

Building Character.
Honoring Service.

Veterans Heritage Project develops character and civic responsibility in students by providing experiential learning programs that honor veterans and preserve their legacy.
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School Partners

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Veterans Interviewed

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Scholarships Awarded

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Our Students

Students are empowered to discover their own potential by forging relationships with some of our nation's military heroes. By preserving their legacy, students develop confidence, character, and leadership skills of their own.
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Educational Programs
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Scholarships, civic engagement, and veteran speakers enhance our mission.
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Impact for our Students
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Experiential learning is at the core of the program’s success.
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Veterans Heritage Project | Veterans Stories that Impact Students

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Our Veterans

By honoring veterans, we have created a platform for empowering young adults, the future leaders of America. Our veterans' legacy of service, sacrifice, duty, and loyalty helps guide the next generation.
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Veteran Programs
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Join the community of veterans who continue their legacy with Veterans Heritage Project.
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Impact to our Veterans
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Attend our next Community Reception and Book Signing, where students honor participating veterans.
Learn More →

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Our Impact

Connecting Students with Veterans has led to 100% of student authors graduating, 95% pursuing college, a quarter of veterans telling their story for the first time, and two-thirds of veterans finding the process cathartic.
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Our Story
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Over 2,500 veteran histories have inspired 56,000 students since 2004. 100% of veteran participants recommend VHP. Learn how it all began.
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Support VHP
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VHP received the 2018 Citizen Honors Award, presented by Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients. Help VHP continue our path of excellence.
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Our Projects

Veterans Heritage Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with many opportunities for involvement.
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Vietnam veteran
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Inspire Your Workplace
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Enhance your company culture with service stories.
Request a Speaker →
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student interest
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Chapter Locations
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See if one of our school partners is in your community.
Locate a Chapter →
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SYA book
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Since You Asked™
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Our annual publication of service stories.
Purchase a Book →

Latest News

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Seal of Civics Literacy
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Seal of Civics Literacy
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VHP approved as the first program to meet all four categories for Arizona's Seal of Civic Literacy
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20 Years of VHP logo
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20 Years of VHP
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Veterans Heritage Project celebrates the 20th year of Connecting Students with Veterans.
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Alumni sparkle
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2025 Alumni Award
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Nominate a fellow alumni by October 1 or complete a self-submission form (highly encouraged) by December 1.
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